Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Lecture 7 – Transition Elements

Transition Elements:

The central block of the Periodic Table consists of Transition metals. They have unique properties like:
  1. They have high melting and boiling points.
  2. They have high densities.
  3. They have variable valencies and thus variable oxidation state.
    • Example:
    • Iron: Iron exists as Fe2+ and Fe3+
    • Copper: Copper exists as Cu+ and Cu2+
    • Manganese: Manganese exists as Mn2+ and Mn7+
    • Chrome: Chrome exists as Cr2+ and Cr5+
  4. They form coloured compounds in different oxidation states.
    • Example:
    • Fe2+ = Green coloured compounds
    • Fe3+ = Brownish orange/rust coloured compounds
    • Cu+ = Black or white coloured compounds
    • Cu2+ = Blue coloured compounds
  5. Transition metals and their compounds have catalytic properties and are used in various industrial processes; to speed up industrial processes and save cost.
Table 4: Transition metal and their compounds as catalyst

Name of the Process
Detail of the Process
Catalyst used
Harber Process
Industrial manufacture of Ammonia (NH3)
Contact Process
Industrial manufacture of Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4)
Hydrogenation of Alkenes
Conversion of Alkenes to Alkanes
Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Fats
Manufacture of Margarine