Saturday, 12 December 2015

Lecture 2 – Water: Importance, Uses & Pollutants


Water is a universal solvent. Therefore, water found in rivers, seas, oceans, springs, lakes, etc, always have a variety of dissolved substances in it.

The various dissolved substances can be classified into 2 main categories.
  1. Harmless or naturally occurring:
    • Oxygen
    • Mineral salts
    • Organic matter
    • Carbon dioxide (sparingly soluble)
  2. Pollutants:
    • Metal compounds
    • Sewage
    • Microbes
    • Nitrates from fertilizers 
    • Phosphates from fertilizers and detergents
Effects of dissolved substances of the environment:

Table 2:

Atmospheric oxygen dissolved in water, sustains underwater plants and marine life.
Mineral Salts
Rock mineral salts are important for all human, animals and aquatic life.
All pollutants are hazardous to health of the consumers of polluted water, be it humans, animals or aquatic life, causing disease, deaths and even extinction.