Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Lecture 4 – Preparation of Ethanoic Acid


Source of Figure
Figure 18

Preparation of Ethanoic acid:

Ethanoic acid is formed by the oxidation of ethanol. This oxidation may be by:
  1. Atmospheric oxygen
  2. Acidified potassium manganate

Oxidation of Ethanol by atmospheric oxygen:

Oxygen oxidizes ethanol to ethanoic acid, according to the following equation.

This partial formation of ethanoic acid in ethanol, causes wines to bitter. Therefore, ethanol should not be left exposed to atmospheric oxygen, for long periods of time.

Oxidation by Potassium Manganate:

Potassium Manganate is an oxidizing agent and it oxidizes ethanol to ethnoic acid, according to the following equation.

The oxidation state of manganese in manganate, decreases from +7 to +2 and this decolourizes the potassium manganite solution from magenta to colourless.

Figure 18: