Thank you notes

G.C.S.E O' Levels Chemistry 5070 – course has been prepared with the intention to teach anyone willing to study. Most of the many figures used in these lectures are taken from different sites using google images and the source site of each figure has been mentioned in the lecture it is used in. This is to reassure that no plagiarism has been done in creating this course & to avoid copyright conflicts. So thank you internet and all the sites whose pictures I have used in this course.

I would also like to thank Mr. Christopher N. Prescott, whose book became the foundation of my learning in this course & Ma’am Lubna Moazzam & Saba Saad Ali who gave life to that book and the subject. Some of the tables and examples shown in the lectures; are taken from that very book. Thanks to Ma'am Zarina Ghazi who recognized my teaching skills & trusted me with the Senior year of her school, in preparing them for their G.C.S.E O' Levels Chemistry - 5070.

And most importantly Thanks to my mum, dad & my family for believing that I could teach & nourishing my skills to make me who I am today.